Walk-Through Consultations
For Home Buyers
When the real estate market is competitive, many home buyers are foregoing their right to a home inspection in order to make their purchase offer more attractive. Although we do not advocate doing this, we understand that it is something some home buyers choose to do. So, in these cases, we offer walk-through consultations to help the buyer get a quick overview of the house they want to buy and point out any obvious defects.
A walk-through consultation lasts 30 minutes. In which time, an AmeriSpec inspector will walk through both the interior and exterior of the house with the potential home buyer. The inspector will share observations, concerns and insights. They will focus on larger items, major systems and the home’s foundation.
A walk-through is not a complete home inspection. Inspectors will carry only a flashlight with them. We will not generate any kind of report, so clients are advised to take notes. Buyers should be aware that inspectors may not be able to see some issues that they would otherwise catch with a full home inspection. This is simply a quick overview of the house.

Scheduling a Walk-Through
The walk-through consultation will be scheduled by the buyer’s real estate agent. The agent will schedule the house showing, and they will coordinate with our office to send an inspector to accompany the buyer to the showing. Due to the nature of these walk-throughs, we cannot guarantee specific inspector requests.
Contact AmeriSpec for More Information
For more information about walk-through consultations in the Twin Cities area, call AmeriSpec Inspection Services of Bloomington at 952-854-5110 or you can contact us.